Meet the Finalists: Team America

>> Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Another opportunity to hear more from the Nom Nom Nom cook off finalists.  As it's the 4th of July it's only appropriate that we introduce you all to Team America - aka Linds and Bex

Linds from Blonde vs Bland

What makes you two the perfect NomNomNom pairing?

We are both super competitive. Losing is not an option!

What do you love about the cuisine/cuisines that you have chosen to represent in NomNomNom 2012?

We chose them because they break away from the clichéd American “cuisines” of burgers and hot dogs

If you were marooned on a desert island which ingredient could you not live without?

Bex: Bread

Linds: Crème Fraîche

What’s your favourite social media tool / network when it comes to food? How does it help with the food you cook or eat out?

Bex: Pinterest because it is inspirational

Linds: Twitter for its instant gratification and access to knowledge

And finally, what is the special element that will ensure that your team wins?

The “Twinkie” with dip – everyone needs to try one in their lifetime.

We're very curious about the Twinkie ladies and look forward to sampling it on Sunday.  Best of luck in the contest.  Our final finalist Q & A will be on the way soon.


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