Meet the Finalists: China-Pak Co.

>> Thursday, 5 July 2012

Today it's our final interview with the Nom Nom Nom 2012 finalists.  It's the turn of Mehrunnisa and Qin, who for the cook off will be known as The China-Pak Co.

Mehrunnisa from Come Con Ella

What makes you two the perfect NomNomNom pairing?

They say communication is the key to team work, I think we’ve got that down to a tee.

What do you love about the cuisine/cuisines that you have chosen to represent in NomNomNom 2012?

Mehrunnisa: Although not my native cuisine I have always loved Chinese food. It is quite popular in Pakistan which is where I come from. I love the delicacy with which the ingredients are prepared.

If you were marooned on a desert island which ingredient could you not live without? 

Mehrunnisa: Water - the drinking kind.
Qin: Salt

What’s your favourite social media tool / network when it comes to food? How does it help with the food you cook or eat out?

Mehrunissa: Google Reader, because it brings together the blogs and newspaper columns I follow in one place. It also makes it easier for me to store and archive the recipes I love. 

Qin: Twitter - I’m always snapping a photo on the Blackberry and posting. And secretly hoping someone is reading!

And finally, what is the special element that will ensure that your team wins?

A simply but perfectly executed menu. (yes!)

We look forward to seeing Qin & Merhrunnisa preparing their menu on Sunday 8th July and wish them and all of the other finalists the best of luck in the cook off.


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