Meet the Finalists: Gaelic Gals

>> Sunday, 1 July 2012

Today we meet two more finalists who'll be competing in Nom Nom Nom on Sunday, 8th July.  It's Fiona and Karen, who are pairing up as Gaelic Gals.  Find out more about them here:

Fiona from London Unattached

What makes you two the perfect NomNomNom pairing? 

Fiona: Shared sense of humour, shared values about traditional British food and recipes and the need to perpetuate them

Karen: Fiona and I have met a few times and we have the same sense of humour and love the same food and, we have similar upbringings!
Karen from Lavender & Lovage

What do you love about the cuisine/cuisines that you have chosen to represent in NomNomNom 2012? 

Fiona: My father’s side of the family is Scottish – my gaelic speaking great aunts from Skye have given me an ingrained love of Scottish food and recipes

Karen: We are both Scottish, well, we both have Scottish roots and we love the diversity and uniqueness of Scottish cuisine, its French and Nordic influences.

If you were marooned on a desert island which ingredient could you not live without? 

Fiona: A multipurpose oil of some sort. Most things can be improvised, but without killing something, cooking it and rendering fat down, OR growing an oil rich cereal, there’d be no fat for cooking with. I love steamed food, barbeques, salads etc. But, a little bit of salad dressing, a touch of oil on the fish when you grill or something to heat up and stir fry your vegetables, there’s a bit of a limit on what you can do.

Karen: Bacon

What’s your favourite social media tool / network when it comes to food? How does it help with the food you cook or eat out?

Fiona:  For me, Urbanspoon, because I like the structure (where you can see journalists, blogger and normal eaters in a structured way against each restaurant). And I use Twitter a lot to keep in contact with my food blogging friends and ask their views

Karen: Good Food - great recipes and nice lay out.

And finally, what is the special element that will ensure that your team wins? 

Fiona: Sense of humour!

Karen: Greed! We BOTH love good food and cooking.....

Best of luck to Gaelic Gals in the Nom Nom Nom cook-off.  We look forward to introducing more finalists over the next week.


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