Meet the Finalists: A Flickr of Hope

>> Saturday, 30 June 2012

Today we'll introduce you to some familiar faces to Nom Nom Nom,  Kai Chan Vong and Jonathan Waddingham who'll be joining the cook-off and fun again on Sunday 8th July.  Find out more about them in their new incarnation: A Flickr of Hope

Toasting Nom 2
Kai & Jon - A Flickr of Hope

What makes you two the perfect NomNomNom pairing? 

We’re different, but similar. We have quite different tastes and styles of cooking, but we both share lots of photos of food on the internet

What do you love about the cuisine/cuisines that you have chosen to represent in NomNomNom 2012?

We love the exotic nature of Chinese food, the spices, the ritual and the imagination. English food is the great adaptor – it fits with so many different styles and techniques and has such a rich history that adapting it is fun.

If you were marooned on a desert island which ingredient could you not live without? 

Jonathan: Cheese

Kai: Soy sauce. It makes everything taste yummy.

What’s your favourite social media tool / network when it comes to food? How does it help with the food you cook or eat out?

Jonathan: I’m subscribed to most niche food networks, but it would probably be Facebook. I like to see what my friends have and follow them to exciting looking restaurants, or take inspiration from their recipes and food they’ve shared on Facebook.

Kai:  For finding food around me, Foursquare. It saves me time and there are often tips about things to avoid or try.

And finally, what is the special element that will ensure that your team wins? 

Big game experience. This is our third nomnomnom, so we’ve been there done that and worn the (nom) t-shirt.

Good luck to A Flickr of Hope & we look forward to seeing what T-Shirts they'll be wearing this year.  More interviews with more finalists are on the way.


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About Nom Nom Nom

Now in its fifth year, Nom Nom Nom is a MasterChef style competition giving the internet's finest bloggers, food photographers and food writers the chance to compete against each other in a professional kitchen. To find out more click here

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