Nom Nom Nom 2010 Finalists Announced

>> Monday, 21 June 2010

We're delighted to announce that the following teams of bloggers, cooks, photographers & Tweeters have reached the finals. They'll be taking part in the grand cook-off on July 11th 2010 at Cookery School.

Danny Kingston of Food Urchin and Rachel McCormack from A Scot in London
Pilluelo and The Catalan Queen - interview

Billy Cowfish Abbott & Melanie Seasons from OmNomLondon
Tarragons of Virtue - interview

EuWen Teh from Teh Bus & Carla from Can be Bribed With Food
Cultural Hotpot - interview

Utku Can and Armagan Kargili (our first mother & son team!)
Like Mother, Like Son - interview

Kate Lord from Postcards from a Gluten Free Life and Robin Clark from Source it, Cook it, Eat it
Katman and Robin - interview

Kai Chan Vong and Jonathan Waddingham
Recipe for Disaster - interview

Victoria Glass from Victoria's Cake Boutique and Tamzin Aitken from Animal Crackers
Team Greedy - interview

Tom Phillips and Chris Applegate from qwghlm
NomNomNom de Plume - interview

Jia Min Seow and Ben Norum from Londonist
Summer Stew - interview

Lea Simpson from Feeling the Fear and Sharon Jakobowitz from Tete-a-Tea
Grate, Grate, Grate - interview

You'll be learning more about the finalists over the coming weeks as we interview them, but if you'd like to follow their blogs or their Tweets on Twitter, feel free. Congratulations to the teams on reaching what's going to be a fun & hard fought competition.


Kavey 24 June 2010 at 17:53  

Would very much like to come and watch. Is that possible and do I need to apply for place for audience?
Many thanks

annie mole 25 June 2010 at 11:10  

Hi Kavey - Unfortunately, there's not really enough space for an audience, but we may be looking for helpers. I'll send you an email to see if you're interested. Many thanks :-)

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About Nom Nom Nom

Now in its fifth year, Nom Nom Nom is a MasterChef style competition giving the internet's finest bloggers, food photographers and food writers the chance to compete against each other in a professional kitchen. To find out more click here

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