Meet the Nom Nom Nom 2012 Finalists

>> Friday, 22 June 2012

We're delighted to announce that the following teams of bloggers, cooks, photographers & Tweeters have reached the finals. They'll be taking part in the grand cook-off on July 8th 2012 at Cookery School.

Fiona Maclean from London Unattached and Karen Burns Booth  from Lavender & Lovage

Selina Periampillai  from Yummy Choo Eats and Sumayya Jamil from Pukka Paki

Urvashi Roe from Gujerati Girl and Meena Bhana  from Chai Lounge

Victoria Glass from Alphabet Soup and Dolly Alderton from Dolly Does

Kai Chan Vong and Jon Waddingham

Leigh Koh from Craft Cakes and Guo Sun Lee from (65+)Plus six five Supper Club

Bex Williams from Hold The Anchovies Please and Linds Harrison from Blonde vs Bland

Qin Xie from In Pursuit of Food and Mehrunnisa Yusuf from Come Con Ella

Over the next few weeks you'll hear more about each team before the big day. But in the meantime  feel free to take a look at their blogs or follow them on Twitter.  Congratulations to the teams on reaching what's going to be a fun & hard fought competition.


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About Nom Nom Nom

Now in its fifth year, Nom Nom Nom is a MasterChef style competition giving the internet's finest bloggers, food photographers and food writers the chance to compete against each other in a professional kitchen. To find out more click here

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