
>> Friday, 2 September 2011

Ahhhh the irony, first place at the competition, last on the blog (not to mention last years' competition actually, but we don't talk about that).

Believing that nothing is impossible team Tete-a-Tea didn't set out to merely prove that there is a come back from the ultimate kitchen pandemonium (which we don't talk about), oh no we had our sights set much higher. World peace. That's right, world peace, or at least something resembling that on a somewhat smaller scale, brought about by the wonderful catalyst that is food. So when we planned (and I use the term loosely) this years' menu we decided to combine everything our respectively Lebanese and Israeli mothers and grandmothers taught us and decided to go middle eastern. And this is what we made:
Feta, watermelon and red onion salad
Spiced kofte meatballs with mejadera and a yoghurt and courgette dip
Chocolate, amaretto and raspberry tart

The day was hugely enjoyable, in no small part thanks to the delicious lunch during which we got to sample what everybody made and the ensuing food coma. We also received outragous goody bags, which included Schwartz spices to last you a lifetime, a Wuesthof knife and allsorts of other deliciousness. The raffle in aid of action for hunger provided even more great prizes and there are still more to be had. To get involved please take a look here: http://www.justgiving.com/Nom-Nom-Nom-2011

Finally, a MASSIVE 'Thank You!' to Ros and everybody at The Cookery School, for providing us with a delicious breakfast on the day and for working ludricously hard all day to make sure everything ran smoothly. Also a big shout out to TikiChris and Kemey Lafond for taking all the glorious pictures and allowing us to use them.

We look forward to being back next year, to hopefully win, or more realistically not do the thing again. You know, the one we don't talk about.

Now, someone get me Binyamin Netanyahu's number...



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About Nom Nom Nom

Now in its fifth year, Nom Nom Nom is a MasterChef style competition giving the internet's finest bloggers, food photographers and food writers the chance to compete against each other in a professional kitchen. To find out more click here

See what happened in last year's Nom Nom Nom

Win some great prizes in our charity raffle

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